The Three Rs is a package of Video Resources & a Handbook specially designed for Primary Teachers. It is already used by hundreds of teachers all over Ireland.

8 Teacher Training Videos guide you through simple steps that will help you recognize, address and resolve bullying issues before they spin out of control. A Parents' Video shows parents what The Three Rs is and how they can support your work in the classroom. There's a Children's Video too to introduce the method to the class. 

Based on the principles of restorative practice, the Three Rs has all you need to maintain healthy, growthful relationships. When you have completed this course, you will be able to implement best restorative practice in your group anytime bullying is happening, and you will be able to initiate preventive measures to ensure that they don’t happen anymore. You can use the videos time and time again - to show parents, children, and/or to repeat the training modules for yourself. 


The Three Rs is available online on the Vimeo video platform. You can make use of the full package on an annual subscription basis for only €50. New materials and/or updates are added from time to time and are included in the annual subscription.


That's all: Three simple, straightforward steps that make all the difference. The Three Rs Restorative Method is intuitive, it's easy to learn and fun to implement.

Follow this user-friendly online training, and everyone in the wider group of young people you are working with will have a clear understanding of what bullying is, and they will know what the procedure is for dealing with it. That means a huge reduction in stress for everybody involved. The children themselves, their parents, other trainers / teachers and care staff – everybody in the system knows what to do, where they're at, what's next.

Whenever there is a bullying problem, there is no lack of clarity, and there's no blame, no anger, and no shaming. Instead, a transparent, fair methodology for working it out together to repair and create stronger relationships.

When you have completed this training, you will have the tools to actively avert the pain of dealing with a deeply embedded bullying cycle in which no one wins.


  • 8 Teacher Training Videos of 5-10 minutes each
  • 1 Children's Video for showing in classroom
  • 1 Parents' Video getting parents "on board" with information about the work in the classroom
  • 1 Comprehensive Handbook with additional resources
  • 1 Introductory Webinar with step-by-step guide and case studies of using The 3Rs in class


abi Anti-Bullying Institute focused for many years on teacher training and data research on bullying attitudes in Irish schools. The widely acclaimed abi Anti-Bullying Programme was evolved over a period of about 10 years in over 200 schools throughout Ireland.

The data we gathered between 2017-2019 from just over 7,000 students showed us that whilst bullying is a prevalent phenomenon among boys and girls, there is also a lot of confusion as to what bullying is, how to distinguish it from other aggressive behaviours, how to talk about it, and what to do when it occurs. We found that everyone in the community – parents, children, teachers, principals, members of the board of management – benefitted from training that helped them to distinguish between generally negative behaviours and an actual bullying cycle.

As we refined our training programme more and more, we realized that the real key to resolving bullying issues was to empower the young people to work out any bullying issues themselves, and to create a climate of encouragement for them rather than one of anger, calls for retribution, turning against teachers, the club, instructor, school etc. Any training needed to include everyone involved, not just the children, or just the instructors, or just the parents.

Today’s Three Rs Restorative Online Training condenses the experience and feedback gathered from running the abi Programme, combines it with best restorative practice in conflict management and adapts it for use in any setting with young people. The Three Rs Restorative Online Training Course is a simple, concise, user-friendly training on what bullying actually is and how to deal with bullying issues following a simple three-step restorative intervention method. The package comprises a complete online suite of training courses for instructors, teachers, trainers, coaches, volunteers, the children in their care and their parents, allowing everyone in the community to take a team approach to the issue of bullying.


Bullying causes deep damage to those involved in a bullying cycle, and the negative health outcomes for the whole system where a bullying phenomenon within a social group exists have been well documented in many studies. They include complaints such as sleep disturbance, feelings of shame, guilt and sadness, irritability, anger, a variety of physical problems, haunting flashbacks, hypervigilance, emotional numbness and social withdrawal. Other studies show that people who experienced bullying in younger years have difficulties socially adjusting and often end up in less well paid jobs. A disproportionate number of criminal offenders report that they were involved in or experienced bullying when young.

A World Health Organization sample of 200,000 11 - 15 olds in over 40 Countries in Europe, North America & Israel revealed that 26% were involved in bullying behaviour. Many studies show that the way a person might be “involved” in a bullying cycle can be very different, be it as perpetrator, victim or “just” by-stander, but that the negative consequences are generally shared by everyone.

Bullying is a set of repeated behaviours that happen within a group, and the negative impacts are shared by the entire group. Dealing with bullying issues has, therefore, to be done within the group, and that work needs to be carefully managed if it is to be experienced by all as safe enough to trust that it will deliver good, healthy outcomes.

The Three Rs Method is a restorative approach to bullying issues. It is based on the latest scientific findings on bullying and best practice as recommended by international experts in the field. The Three Rs Method appeals to the caring side of human nature. Rather than engaging in a witch hunt for the “bully” and organizing retribution for the victim, and maybe also shaming the by-standers for not doing anything, The Three Rs Method provides leaders of young people with a simple Guideline for recording, reviewing and repairing bullying situations. It gives an easy-to-use template for dealing with bullying in any community of young people: No blame, no anger, no shaming, just working it out together to repair and create stronger relationships.

It has been scientifically proven that training initiatives like ours prevent bullying cycles from embedding themselves. By doing this training, you can avoid the pain of dealing with a deeply embedded bullying cycle in which nobody wins.

People naturally feel good when they give, help or serve others. They experience what is sometimes called “helper’s high”, which is described as a feeling of exhilaration and burst of energy similar to the endorphin-based euphoria experienced after intense exercise, followed by a period of calmness and serenity. The Three Rs Method helps young people practice vital social skills; they feel less worried, have better concentration and more consideration for others.

  • How much does the Three Rs Online Course cost?

    The full package costs 50€ per teacher.

    Do contact us, if you would like to implement the Three Rs Method in your school: We can offer reduced plans for several teachers ordering together.

  • How long can I use the course?

    Your license to use the course on all of your devices lasts for one year. You can share the resources for parents and children with all those interested or affected. Licenses can be renewed on request at a reduced rate.

  • What does the course consist of?

    The Three Rs Teacher Training Course: Eight Modules of varying length, max. 20 mins.
    The Three Rs Children’s Training Course: 11 minutes long
    The Three Rs Parents' Training Course: 15 minutes long
    Handbook: Step-by-step guide to implementing the Three Rs Method
    Induction Video: 45 minutes detailed induction, with a step-by-step guide to implementing The Three Rs Method, including practical feedback by users.
    Individual Mentoring Package: Further induction sessions per video or personal visits can be arranged where needed to ensure that all staff are familiar with the contents and methodology and understand how to implement The Three Rs.

  • What are The Three Rs?

    The Three Rs stand for

    • Record
    • Review
    • Repair

    If you go through these 3 easy steps carefully following The Three Rs Method, you will help create the kind of non-bullying climate you want to have in the groups you are looking after.

  • Who is the course for?

    The course is mainly for Primary School Teachers. It is used by several hundred teachers throughout Ireland.

  • How does it work?

    The Three Rs Method is a restorative approach to bullying cycles and aggressive behaviours. It gives a "handle" on bullying issues so that everyone involved and/or affected is "on the same page" as to how to describe and deal with the issue, who to involve in resolving the issue, and what steps to take (and how) in order to restore relationships and create a non-aggressive culture in the groups we are working in.

  • Is the Three Rs Method complicated to implement?

    No, the steps in the Three Rs Method must be followed carefully, you can't e.g. do one step before another, but basically it's quick to learn, easy to use, it's fun, and the results are very rewarding.

  • Do parents benefit from The Three Rs?

    The Three Rs Package includes a Parent's Training Module lasting approx. 15 minutes. The module is an easy-to-follow video format, and parents can watch it with their children if they want to. They are sent a link giving them access to the video as soon as their children have done their part of The Three Rs Training at their school, sports club or wherever The Three Rs Method is being introduced.

    The video gives parents a vital understanding of what their child is learning and how the Three Rs Method is being used in their child's environment (club, school etc.) to prevent bullying issues from arising and to deal with them in a healthy, growthful manner whenever they do arise.

    Some parents want to go farther to learn more about bullying and how exactly The Three Rs work to address bullying issues and build a non-bullying climate in groups. Motivations vary from pure interest through to finding answers for their own child, who might be in a bullying situation, to looking for methodologies / approaches they can propose for use in their children's club, school or other setting.

  • What's with the illustrated figures?

    The illustrations in the online course and accompanying videos seem quaint and somehow a little innocent these days. We have found that they are well received by both children, their parents and carers alike, and that they add a pleasant warmth and character to the course. Thanks Monica and Erik for creating!